
Amala Jeevan was founded in 2015 with a vision to create a dignified livelihood for women and minority genders as well as form and nurture an inclusive community for all the members.

The mission of Amala Jeevan India Foundation is to provide awareness on the gap in access and equality between genders in the areas of education and careers, then to bridge this gap by creating synchrony with those who share ideologies with us. Amala will work with individuals and organizations that wish to become inclusive and nurture those who have been left behind in the developing world. Amala will also conduct workshops for economic literacy, life skills training and employment enhancing vocational trade skills within the community.

Why We Do, What We Do

Interventions towards equality for women and persons of minority genders (LGBTQIA community) are scarce, specifically in India. As per the UNDP report titled – World’s most marginalized still left behind by global development priorities.

“Women and girls, rural dwellers, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, migrants and refugees, and the LGBTI community are among those systematically excluded by barriers that are not purely economic, but political, social and cultural as well”.

Amala Jeevan Plans Interventions as per recommendations by the UNDP report. We first assess and guide each individual into understanding their passion, innate skill and physical/ mental capability to the fullest so as to choose efficiently. Since there are an array of Training Partners/ Agencies and Government schemes and programs, we are looking at bridging this gap. Amala Jeevan foundation will focus its efforts to ensure on-job training, industry exposure, placement support and follow up to the Amala as part of the process.

Amala Jeevan’s objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of UN Gender Equality (Goal 5), Decent work and economic growth (Goal 8), Reduced Inequality (Goal 10) and Peace, Justice and Strong institutions (Goal 16).

Long Term Plan

The foundation strongly believes that an Amala who is aware and skilled while being able to fend for themselves is a strong independent force that can bind a community together. An Amala can choose to exercise their rights and fulfill their duties, be more vocal about their concerns and contribute positively to growth. While the focus is on the individual, it would be inevitable to organize into support groups. The foundation believes in the power of many but would attempt the same only where there is evidence of cooperation, congruence and trust. The outcome of an Amala movement would be an empowered Amala that takes it upon themselves to become the change agent and and break the cycle and gap seen today.

Join Us

To spread knowledge and awareness towards inclusiveness in workplaces and educational institutions.
