What Amala Jeevan is doing requires all of us within and outside the community to join in. We need to do what it takes to become mainstream and create the ideal Shangri-la for our brothers and sisters. Together our endeavor is to build a conscious inclusive community that is willing to evolve, but we need every bit of your help we can get.

You can help by hiring Amala Jeevan to work with your organization or your Alma Mater to conduct Inclusiveness Workshop. This will lead to including more people within our Amala family.

Write to us on how you can contribute to Amala Jeevan’s program. Click here to know more about our ongoing interventions. Please email us your resume with a cover letter informing us of your area of interest. Do mention “Engage with Amala” in the Subject line.

You can also help us build a corpus for our many free interventions for the youth in the community. You can choose an amount that suits your pocket, or feel free to click on the Open link below if you can be generous. Every rupee counts and you can be sure we will use it wisely.

Sponsor One Awareness Session

Sponsor One LGBTQI meeting

Sponsor one Complete Workshop

Open Amount of your choice

Join Us

To spread knowledge and awareness towards inclusiveness in workplaces and educational institutions.
