Dignified Livelihood

Amala Jeevan will work from the ground up, where we first need to bring understanding about the issues faced by those belonging to the minority genders like educational opportunities, employment options and availability of healthcare as well as its access.

The first action set in motion for Dignified Livelihood Program is ‘Collective Consciousness’.

Collective Consciousness

Collective Consciousness is a set of shared beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and knowledge about gender and inclusiveness that needs to percolate into the minds of all our stakeholders. Specially designed workshop modules have been created for this aim by the Amala team. These modules can be altered by our skilled and experienced counsellors and trainers to suit the requirement of the individuals, institutions or organisations seeking this intervention.

Custom Workshops

As a part of our collective consciousness objective, we conduct custom designed workshops that cover, but are not limited to following topics-

  • Prevention and awareness from Suicide, Bullying, Sexual abuse, addiction

  • Coping with Loss or Grief
  • Sex, Sexuality, Gender and rights
  • Life Skills and Soft skills
  • Aptitude testing and vocational counselling

Join Us

To spread knowledge and awareness towards inclusiveness in workplaces and educational institutions.


Free Talk Therapy with Inclusive Therapists

For Free Talk Therapy (Only for LGBTQIA+ and Women) Please fill the form below. Our therapist will contact you at the earliest to schedule the meet.

To advocate change and inclusion, we are collecting information and vital data points for individuals who identify as queer
Please be assured that the data is encrypted and coded when stored and will never be shared with any third party.
This data will only be used to show results statistically. Click here.